Source code for iss.error_models.kde

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import numpy as np

from iss.error_models import ErrorModel

[docs] class KDErrorModel(ErrorModel): """KDErrorModel class. Error model based on an .npz files derived from read alignments. the npz file must contain: - the length of the reads - the mean insert size - the size of mean sequence quality bins (for R1 and R2) - a cumulative distribution function of quality scores for each position (for R1 and R2) - the substitution for each nucleotide at each position (for R1 and R2) - the insertion and deletion rates for each position (for R1 and R2) """ def __init__(self, npz_path, fragment_length=None, fragment_sd=None, store_mutations=False): super().__init__() self.npz_path = npz_path self.error_profile = self.load_npz(npz_path, "kde") self.store_mutations = store_mutations self.read_length = self.error_profile["read_length"] self.i_size_cdf = self.error_profile["insert_size"] self.fragment_length = fragment_length self.fragment_sd = fragment_sd self.mean_forward = self.error_profile["mean_count_forward"] self.mean_reverse = self.error_profile["mean_count_reverse"] self.quality_forward = self.error_profile["quality_hist_forward"] self.quality_reverse = self.error_profile["quality_hist_reverse"] self.subst_choices_for = self.error_profile["subst_choices_forward"] self.subst_choices_rev = self.error_profile["subst_choices_reverse"] self.ins_for = self.error_profile["ins_forward"] self.ins_rev = self.error_profile["ins_reverse"] self.del_for = self.error_profile["del_forward"] self.del_rev = self.error_profile["del_reverse"] self.error_profile = "" # discard the error profile after reading
[docs] def gen_phred_scores(self, cdfs, orientation): """Generate a list of phred scores based on cdfs and mean bins For each position, draw a phred score from the cdf and append to the phred score list Args: cdfs (ndarray): array containing the cdfs orientation (string): orientation of the read. Can be 'forward' or 'reverse' Returns: list: a list of phred scores """ # choose which mean bin to use if orientation == "forward": mean = self.mean_forward elif orientation == "reverse": mean = self.mean_reverse norm_mean = mean / sum(mean) # quality_bin = np.searchsorted(norm_mean, np.random.rand()) quality_bin = np.random.choice(range(len(norm_mean)), p=norm_mean) # downgrades index out of bound (ex rand is 1, last bin in searchsorted # is 0.95) to best quality bin if quality_bin == 4: quality_bin = 3 cdfs_bin = cdfs[quality_bin] phred_list = [] for cdf in cdfs_bin: random_quality = np.searchsorted(cdf, np.random.rand()) phred_list.append(random_quality) return phred_list[: self.read_length]
[docs] def random_insert_size(self): """Draw a random insert size from the insert size cdf Args: i_size_cdf: cumulative distribution function of the insert size Returns: int: an insert size """ insert_size = np.searchsorted(self.i_size_cdf, np.random.rand()) return insert_size