Source code for iss.error_models

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import random
import sys

import _pickle
import numpy as np
from Bio.Seq import MutableSeq, Seq

from iss import util

[docs] class ErrorModel(object): """Main ErrorModel Class This class is used to create inheriting classes and contains all the functions that are shared by all ErrorModel classes """ @property def logger(self): component = "{}.{}".format(type(self).__module__, type(self).__name__) return logging.getLogger(component)
[docs] def load_npz(self, npz_path, model): """load the error profile .npz file Args: npz_path (string): path to the npz file model (string): type of model. Could be 'cdf' or 'kde'. 'cdf' has been deprecated and is no longer available Returns: ndarray: numpy object containg variables necessary for error model construction """ try: error_profile = np.load(npz_path, allow_pickle=True) assert error_profile["model"] == model except (OSError, IOError, EOFError, _pickle.UnpicklingError) as e: self.logger.error("Failed to read ErrorModel file: %s" % e) sys.exit(1) except AssertionError: self.logger.error("Trying to load a %s ErrorModel in %s mode" % (error_profile["model"], model)) sys.exit(1) else: self.logger.debug("Loaded ErrorProfile: %s" % npz_path) return error_profile
[docs] def introduce_error_scores(self, record, orientation): """Add phred scores to a SeqRecord according to the error_model Args: record (SeqRecord): a read record orientation (string): orientation of the read. Can be 'forward' or 'reverse' Returns: SeqRecord: a read record with error scores """ if orientation == "forward": record.letter_annotations["phred_quality"] = self.gen_phred_scores(self.quality_forward, "forward") elif orientation == "reverse": record.letter_annotations["phred_quality"] = self.gen_phred_scores(self.quality_reverse, "reverse") return record
[docs] def mut_sequence(self, record, orientation): """Introduce substitution errors to a sequence If a random probability is higher than the probability of the basecall being correct, introduce a substitution error Args: record (SeqRecord): a read record with error scores orientation (string): orientation of the read. Can be 'forward' or 'reverse' Returns: SeqRecord: the read record with substitution errors """ # get the right subst_matrix if orientation == "forward": nucl_choices = self.subst_choices_for elif orientation == "reverse": nucl_choices = self.subst_choices_rev mutable_seq = MutableSeq(record.seq) quality_list = record.letter_annotations["phred_quality"] position = 0 for nucl, qual in zip(mutable_seq, quality_list): if random.random() > util.phred_to_prob(qual) and nucl.upper() not in "RYWSMKHBVDN": mutated_nuc = str( np.random.choice(nucl_choices[position][nucl.upper()][0], p=nucl_choices[position][nucl.upper()][1]) ) if self.store_mutations and mutated_nuc != record.annotations["original"][position]: record.annotations["mutations"].append( { "id":, "position": position, "ref": mutable_seq[position], "alt": mutated_nuc, "quality": qual, "type": "sub", } ) mutable_seq[position] = mutated_nuc position += 1 record.seq = Seq(mutable_seq) return record
[docs] def adjust_seq_length(self, mut_seq, orientation, full_sequence, bounds): """Truncate or Extend reads to make them fit the read length When insertions or deletions are introduced to the reads, their length will change. This function takes a (mutable) read and a reference sequence, and extend or truncate the read if it has had an insertion or a deletion Args: mut_seq (MutableSeq): a mutable sequence orientation (string): orientation of the read. Can be 'forward' or 'reverse' full_sequence (Seq): the reference sequence from which mut_seq comes from bounds (tuple): the position of the read in the full_sequence Returns: Seq: a sequence fitting the ErrorModel """ read_start, read_end = bounds if len(mut_seq) == self.read_length: return Seq(mut_seq) elif len(mut_seq) > self.read_length: while len(mut_seq) > self.read_length: mut_seq.pop() return Seq(mut_seq) else: # len smaller to_add = self.read_length - len(mut_seq) if orientation == "forward": for i in range(to_add): if read_end + i >= len(full_sequence): nucl_to_add = "A" else: nucl_to_add = str(full_sequence[read_end + i]) mut_seq.append(nucl_to_add) elif orientation == "reverse": for i in range(to_add): if read_start - 1 - i < 0: nucl_to_add = "A" else: nucl_to_add = util.rev_comp(full_sequence[read_start - 1 - i]) mut_seq.append(nucl_to_add) return Seq(mut_seq)
[docs] def introduce_indels(self, record, orientation, full_seq, bounds): """Introduce insertions or deletions in a sequence Introduce insertion and deletion errors according to the probabilities present in the indel choices list Args: record (SeqRecord): a sequence record orientation (string): orientation of the read. Can be 'forward' or 'reverse' full_seq (Seq): the reference sequence from which mut_seq comes from bounds (tuple): the position of the read in the full_sequence Returns: SeqRecord: a sequence record with indel errors """ # get the right indel arrays if orientation == "forward": insertions = self.ins_for deletions = self.del_for elif orientation == "reverse": insertions = self.ins_rev deletions = self.del_rev mutable_seq = MutableSeq(record.seq) position = 0 for nucl in range(self.read_length - 1): try: # skip ambiguous nucleotides if mutable_seq[nucl].upper() in "RYWSMKHBVDN": position += 1 continue for nucl_to_insert, prob in insertions[position].items(): if random.random() < prob: # we want to insert after the base read mutable_seq.insert(position + 1, str(nucl_to_insert)) if self.store_mutations: record.annotations["mutations"].append( { "id":, "position": position, "ref": mutable_seq[position], "alt": mutable_seq[position] + nucl_to_insert, "quality": ".", "type": "ins", } ) if random.random() < deletions[position][mutable_seq[nucl].upper()]: mutable_seq.pop(position) if self.store_mutations: record.annotations["mutations"].append( { "id":, "position": position, "ref": mutable_seq[position], "alt": ".", "quality": ".", "type": "del", } ) position += 1 except IndexError: continue seq = self.adjust_seq_length(mutable_seq, orientation, full_seq, bounds) record.seq = seq return record