iss package


iss.abundance module

iss.abundance.coverage_scaling(total_n_reads, abundance_dic, genome_file, read_length)[source]

Scale coverage distribution according to the n_reads parameter

  • total_n_reads (int) – total amount of reads to simulate
  • abundance_dic (dict) – a dictionary with records as keys, coverage as values
  • genome_file (str) – path to input fasta file containing genomes
  • read_length (int) – length of the reads in the dataset

scaled coverage dictionary

Return type:


iss.abundance.draft(genomes, draft, distribution, output, mode='abundance')[source]

Computes the abundance dictionary for a mix of complete and draft genomes

  • genomes (list) – list of all input records
  • draft (list) – draft genome files
  • distribution (function) – distribution function to use
  • output (str) – output file

the abundance dictionary

Return type:


iss.abundance.expand_draft_abundance(abundance_dic, draft, mode='abundance')[source]

Calculate abundance for each contig of a draft genome The function takes the abundance dictionary and automatically detects draft genomes. In coverage mode the function simply assign the coverage value to each contig

  • abundance_dic (dict) – dict with genome (paths or id) as key and abundance as value
  • draft (list) – draft genome files
  • mode (str) – abundance or coverage

abundance dictionary with abundance value for each contig

Return type:


Generate scaled exponential abundance distribution from a number of
Parameters:record_list (list) – a list of
Returns:a dictionary with records as keys, abundance as values
Return type:dict
Generate scaled halfnormal abundance distribution from a number of
Parameters:record_list (list) – a list of
Returns:a dictionary with records as keys, abundance as values
Return type:dict
Generate scaled lognormal abundance distribution from a number of
Parameters:record_list (list) – a list of
Returns:a dictionary with records as keys, abundance as values
Return type:dict

Parse an abundance or coverage file

The abundance/coverage file is a flat file of the format “genome_id<TAB>abundance” or “genome_id<TAB>coverage”

Parameters:abundance_file (string) – the path to the abundance file
Returns:genome_id as keys, abundance as values
Return type:dict
iss.abundance.to_coverage(total_n_reads, species_abundance, read_length, genome_size)[source]

Calculate the coverage of a genome in a metagenome given its size and abundance

  • total_n_reads (int) – total amount of reads in the dataset
  • species_abundance (float) – abundance of the species, between 0 and 1
  • read_length (int) – length of the reads in the dataset
  • genome_size (int) – size of the genome

coverage of the genome

Return type:


iss.abundance.to_file(abundance_dic, output, mode='abundance')[source]

Write the abundance dictionary to a file

  • abundance_dic (dict) – the abundance dictionary
  • output (str) – the output file name

Generate uniform abundance distribution from a number of records

Parameters:record_list (list) – a list of
Returns:a dictionary with records as keys, abundance as values
Return type:dict
Generate scaled zero-inflated lognormal abundance distribution from a
number of records
Parameters:record_list (list) – a list of
Returns:a dictionary with records as keys, abundance as values
Return type:dict module[source]

Main function for the iss generate submodule

This submodule generates reads from an ErrorModel and write them to
args.output + _R(1|2).fastq
Parameters:args (object) – the command-line arguments from argparse[source][source]

Main function for the iss model submodule

This submodule write all variables necessary for building an ErrorModel to args.output + .npz

Parameters:args (object) – the command-line arguments from argparse

iss.bam module

iss.bam.random() → x in the interval [0, 1).
iss.bam.read_bam(bam_file, n_reads=1000000)[source]

Bam file reader. Select random mapped reads from a bam file

Parameters:bam_file (string) – path to a bam file
Yields:read – a pysam read object
iss.bam.to_model(bam_path, output)[source]

from a bam file, write all variables needed for modelling reads in a .npz model file

For a brief description of the variables that will be written to the
output file, see the bam.write_to_file function
  • bam_path (string) – path to a bam file
  • output (string) – prefix of the output file
iss.bam.write_to_file(model, read_length, mean_f, mean_r, hist_f, hist_r, sub_f, sub_r, ins_f, ins_r, del_f, del_r, i_size, output)[source]

Write variables to a .npz file

  • model (string) – the type of error model
  • read_length (int) – read length of the dataset
  • mean_f (list) – list of mean bin sizes
  • mean_r (list) – list of mean bin sizes
  • hist_f (list) – list of cumulative distribution functions for the forward read quality
  • hist_r (list) – list of cumulative distribution functions for the reverse read quality
  • sub_f (list) – list of dictionaries representing the substitution probabilities for the forward reads
  • sub_r (list) – list of dictionaries representing the substitution probabilities for the reverse reads
  • ins_f (list) – list of dictionaries representing the insertion probabilities for the forward reads
  • ins_r (list) – list of dictionaries representing the insertion probabilities for the reverse reads
  • del_f (list) – list of dictionaries representing the deletion probabilities for the forward reads
  • del_r (list) – list of dictionaries representing the deletion probabilities for the reverse reads
  • i_size (int) – distribution of insert size for the aligned reads
  • output (string) – prefix of the output file

iss.generator module

iss.generator.reads(record, ErrorModel, n_pairs, cpu_number, output, seed, gc_bias=False, mode='default')[source]

Simulate reads from one genome (or sequence) according to an ErrorModel

This function makes use of the simulate_read function to simulate reads and save them in a fastq file

  • record (SeqRecord) – sequence or genome of reference
  • ErrorModel (ErrorModel) – an ErrorModel
  • n_pairs (int) – the number of reads to generate
  • cpu_number (int) – an int indentifying the cpu that is used by the function. Is used for naming the output file
  • output (str) – the output file prefix
  • seed (int) – random seed to use
  • gc_bias (bool) – if set, the function may skip a read due to abnormal GC content

the name of the output file

Return type:


iss.generator.simulate_read(record, ErrorModel, i, cpu_number)[source]

From a read pair from one genome (or sequence) according to an ErrorModel

Each read is a SeqRecord object returns a tuple containing the forward and reverse read.

  • record (SeqRecord) – sequence or genome of reference
  • ErrorModel (ErrorModel) – an ErrorModel class
  • i (int) – a number identifying the read
  • cpu_number (int) – cpu number. Is added to the read id.

tuple containg a forward read and a reverse read

Return type:


iss.generator.to_fastq(generator, output)[source]

Write reads to a fastq file

Take a generator or a list containing read pairs (tuples) and write them
in two fastq files: output_R1.fastq and output_R2.fastq
  • generator (generator) – a read generator (or list)
  • output (string) – the output files prefix

iss.modeller module


Return the x and y position of a insertion or deletion to be inserted in the indel matrix.

The substitution matrix is a 2D array of size 301 * 9 The x axis (301) corresponds to the position in the read, while the y axis (9) represents the match or indel (see the dispatch dict in the function). Positions 0 is match or substitution, other positions in ‘N1’ are insertions, ‘N2 are deletions’

The size of x axis is 301 because we haven’t calculated the read length yet

Parameters:read (read) – an aligned read object
Yields:tuple – a tuple with the x, y position for dispatching the indel in the indel matrix
iss.modeller.dispatch_subst(base, read, read_has_indels)[source]

Return the x and y position of a substitution to be inserted in the substitution matrix.

The substitution matrix is a 2D array of size 301 * 16 The x axis (301) corresponds to the position in the read, while the y axis (16) represents the match or substitution (see the dispatch dict in the function). Positions 0, 4, 8 and 12 are matches, other positions are substitutions

The size of x axis is 301 because we haven’t calculated the read length yet

  • base (tuple) – one base from an aligmnent object. According to the pysam documentation: an alignment is a list of tuples: aligned read (query) and reference positions. the parameter with_seq adds the ref sequence as the 3rd element of the tuples. substitutions are lower-case.
  • read (read) – a read object, from which the alignment comes from
  • read_has_indels (bool) – a boolean flag to keep track if the read has an indel or not

x and y position for incrementing the substitution matrix and a third element: True if an indel has been detected, False otherwise

Return type:


iss.modeller.divide_qualities_into_bins(qualities, n_bins=4)[source]

Divides the raw quality scores in bins according to the mean phred quality of the sequence they come from

  • qualities (list) – raw count of all the phred scores and mean sequence quality
  • n_bins (int) – number of bins to create (default: 4)

a list of lists containing the binned quality scores

Return type:


iss.modeller.indel_matrix_to_choices(indel_matrix, read_length)[source]

Transform an indel matrix into probabilties of indels for at every position

From the raw indel count at one position, returns a dictionary with probabilties of indel

  • indel_matrix (np.array) – the substitution matrix is a 2D array of size read_length * 16. fhe x axis (read_length) corresponds to the position in the read, while the y axis (9) represents the match or indel. Positions 0 is match or substitution, other positions in ‘N1’ are insertions, ‘N2 are deletions’
  • read_length (int) – read length

tuple containing two lists of dictionaries representing the insertion or deletion probabilities for a collection of reads

Return type:



Calculate cumulative distribution function from the raw insert size distributin. Uses 1D kernel density estimation.

  • insert_size_distribution (list) – list of insert sizes from aligned
  • pairs (read) –

a cumulative density function

Return type:



Wrapper function to generate cdfs for each quality bins

Generate cumulative distribution functions for a number of mean quality bins

  • bins_lists (list) – list of list containing raw count of all phred
  • scores

a list of lists containg cumulative density functions

Return type:



Approximate the distribution of base quality at each position in a read using a pseudo 2d kernel density estimation

Generate cumulative distribution functions

Parameters:qualities (list) – raw count of all phred scores
list of cumulative distribution functions. One cdf per base. The
list has the size of the read length
Return type:list
iss.modeller.subst_matrix_to_choices(substitution_matrix, read_length)[source]

Transform a substitution matrix into probabilties of substitutions for each base and at every position

From the raw mismatches at one position, returns a dictionary with probabilties of substitutions

  • substitution_matrix (np.array) – the substitution matrix is a 2D array of size read_length * 16. fhe x axis (read_length) corresponds to the position in the read, while the y axis (16) represents the match or substitution. Positions 0, 4, 8 and 12 are matches, other positions are substitutions
  • read_length (int) – read length

list of dictionaries representing

the substitution probabilities for a collection of reads

Return type:


iss.util module


remove temporary files

Parameters:file_list (list) – a list of files to be removed
iss.util.compress(filename, remove=True)[source]

gzip a file

Parameters:filename (string) – name of file to be compressed
iss.util.concatenate(file_list, output)[source]

Concatenate files together

  • file_list (list) – the list of input files (can be a generator)
  • output (string) – the output file name

For strings representing a number of bases and ending with k, K, m, M, g, and G converts to a plain old number

Parameters:n (str) – a string representing a number ending with a suffix
Returns:a number of reads
Return type:float

Count the number of records in a fasta file and return a list of recods id

Parameters:fasta_file (string) – the path to a fasta file
Returns:a list of record ids
Return type:list
iss.util.dump(object, output)[source]

dump an object, like pickle.dump. This function uses pickle.dumps to dump large objects

Parameters:object (object) – a python object

Checks if the output file from the –ncbi option already exists

Parameters:filename (str) – a file name

load a pickle from disk This function uses pickle.loads to load large objects

Parameters:filename (string) – the path of the pickle to load
iss.util.nplog(type, flag)[source]

Convert a phred score (Sanger or modern Illumina) in probabilty

Given a phred score q, return the probabilty p of the call being right

Parameters:q (int) – phred score
Returns:probabilty of basecall being right
Return type:float

Convert a probabilty into a phred score (Sanger or modern Illumina)

Given a probabilty p of the basecall being right, return the phred score q

Parameters:p (int) – probabilty of basecall being right
Returns:phred score
Return type:int
iss.util.reservoir(records, record_list, n=None)[source]

yield a number of records from a fasta file using reservoir sampling

Parameters:records (obj) – fasta records from SeqIO.parse
Yields:record (obj) – a fasta record

A simple reverse complement implementation working on strings

Parameters:s (string) – a DNA sequence (IUPAC, can be ambiguous)
Returns:reverse complement of the input sequence
Return type:list
iss.util.split_list(l, n_parts=1)[source]

Split a list in a number of parts

  • l (list) – a list
  • n_parts (in) – the number of parts to split the list in

a list of n_parts lists

Return type:


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