Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from iss import bam
from iss import util
from iss import download
from iss import abundance
from iss import generator
from iss.version import __version__

from Bio import SeqIO
from joblib import Parallel, delayed

import os
import sys
import logging
import argparse

[docs]def generate_reads(args): """Main function for the `iss generate` submodule This submodule generates reads from an ErrorModel and write them to args.output + _R(1|2).fastq Args: args (object): the command-line arguments from argparse """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug('iss version %s' % __version__) logger.debug('Using verbose logger') try: # try to import and load the correct error model'Starting iss generate')'Using %s ErrorModel' % args.mode) if args.mode == 'kde': from iss.error_models import kde if args.model is None: logger.error('--model is required in --mode kde') sys.exit(1) elif args.model.lower() == 'hiseq': npz = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'profiles/HiSeq') elif args.model.lower() == 'novaseq': npz = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'profiles/NovaSeq') elif args.model.lower() == 'miseq': npz = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), 'profiles/MiSeq') else: npz = args.model err_mod = kde.KDErrorModel(npz) elif args.mode == 'basic': if args.model is not None: logger.warning('--model %s will be ignored in --mode %s' % ( args.model, args.mode)) from iss.error_models import basic err_mod = basic.BasicErrorModel() except ImportError as e: logger.error('Failed to import ErrorModel module: %s' % e) sys.exit(1) try: # try to read genomes and generate reads if args.genomes: genome_file = args.genomes elif args.ncbi and args.n_genomes: util.genome_file_exists(args.output + '_genomes.fasta') total_genomes = [] try: assert len(*args.ncbi) == len(*args.n_genomes) except AssertionError as e: logger.error( '--ncbi and --n_genomes of unequal lengths. Aborting') sys.exit(1) # for g, n in zip(*args.ncbi, *args.n_genomes): # this is py3 only # py2 compatibilty workaround # TODO remove when we drop python2 args.ncbi = [x for y in args.ncbi for x in y] args.n_genomes = [x for y in args.n_genomes for x in y] for g, n in zip(args.ncbi, args.n_genomes): genomes = download.ncbi(g, n) total_genomes.extend(genomes) genome_file = download.to_fasta(total_genomes, args.output) else: logger.error('Invalid input') # TODO better error handling here sys.exit(1) assert os.stat(genome_file).st_size != 0 f = open(genome_file, 'r') with f: # count the number of records record_list = util.count_records(f) except IOError as e: logger.error('Failed to open genome(s) file:%s' % e) sys.exit(1) except AssertionError as e: logger.error('Genome(s) file seems empty: %s' % genome_file) sys.exit(1) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: logger.error('iss generate interrupted: %s' % e) sys.exit(1) else: abundance_dispatch = { 'uniform': abundance.uniform, 'halfnormal': abundance.halfnormal, 'exponential': abundance.exponential, 'lognormal': abundance.lognormal, 'zero_inflated_lognormal': abundance.zero_inflated_lognormal } # read the abundance file if args.abundance_file:'Using abundance file:%s' % args.abundance_file) abundance_dic = abundance.parse_abundance_file(args.abundance_file) elif args.coverage: logger.warning('--coverage is an experimental feature')'Using coverage file:%s' % args.coverage) abundance_dic = abundance.parse_abundance_file(args.coverage) elif args.abundance in abundance_dispatch:'Using %s abundance distribution' % args.abundance) abundance_dic = abundance_dispatch[args.abundance](record_list) abundance.to_file(abundance_dic, args.output) else: logger.error('Could not get abundance') sys.exit(1) cpus = args.cpus'Using %s cpus for read generation' % cpus) if not args.coverage: n_reads = util.convert_n_reads(args.n_reads)'Generating %s reads' % n_reads) try: temp_file_list = [] # list holding the prefix of all temp files f = open(genome_file, 'r') # re-opens the file with f: fasta_file = SeqIO.parse(f, 'fasta') if args.n_genomes and not args.ncbi: n = args.n_genomes[0][0] else: n = None for record in util.reservoir(fasta_file, record_list, n): # generate reads for records try: species_abundance = abundance_dic[] except KeyError as e: logger.error( 'Fasta record not found in abundance file: %s' % e) sys.exit(1) else:'Generating reads for record: %s' % genome_size = len(record.seq) if args.coverage: coverage = species_abundance else: coverage = abundance.to_coverage( n_reads, species_abundance, err_mod.read_length, genome_size ) n_pairs = int(round( (coverage * len(record.seq)) / err_mod.read_length) / 2) # good enough approximation n_pairs_per_cpu = int(round(n_pairs / cpus)) record_file_name_list = Parallel(n_jobs=cpus)( delayed(generator.reads)( record, err_mod, n_pairs_per_cpu, i, args.output, args.gc_bias) for i in range(cpus)) temp_file_list.extend(record_file_name_list) except KeyboardInterrupt as e: logger.error('iss generate interrupted: %s' % e) generator.cleanup(temp_file_list) sys.exit(1) else: # remove the duplicates in file list and cleanup # we remove the duplicates in case two records had the same header # and reads were appended to the same temp file. temp_file_unique = list(set(temp_file_list)) generator.concatenate(temp_file_unique, args.output) generator.cleanup(temp_file_unique)'Read generation complete')
[docs]def model_from_bam(args): """Main function for the `iss model` submodule This submodule write all variables necessary for building an ErrorModel to args.output + .npz Args: args (object): the command-line arguments from argparse """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug('iss version %s' % __version__) logger.debug('Using verbose logger') try: # try to import bam module and write model data to file'Starting iss model') from iss import bam except ImportError as e: logger.error('Failed to import bam module: %s' % e) sys.exit(1) else:'Using KDE ErrorModel') bam.to_model(args.bam, args.output)'Model generation complete')
[docs]def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( prog='InSilicoSeq', usage='iss [subcommand] [options]', description='InSilicoSeq: A sequencing simulator' ) parser.add_argument( '-v', '--version', action='store_true', default=False, help='print software version and exit' ) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( title='available subcommands', metavar='' ) parser_mod = subparsers.add_parser( 'model', prog='iss model', description='generate an error model from a bam file', help='generate an error model from a bam file' ) parser_gen = subparsers.add_parser( 'generate', prog='iss generate', description='simulate reads from an error model', help='simulate reads from an error model' ) # arguments form the read generator module param_logging = parser_gen.add_mutually_exclusive_group() input_genomes = parser_gen.add_mutually_exclusive_group() input_abundance = parser_gen.add_mutually_exclusive_group() param_logging.add_argument( '--quiet', '-q', action='store_true', default=False, help='Disable info logging. (default: %(default)s).' ) param_logging.add_argument( '--debug', '-d', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable debug logging. (default: %(default)s).' ) parser_gen.add_argument( '--cpus', '-p', default=2, type=int, metavar='<int>', help='number of cpus to use. (default: %(default)s).' ) input_genomes.add_argument( '--genomes', '-g', metavar='<genomes.fasta>', help='Input genome(s) from where the reads will originate' ) input_genomes.add_argument( '--ncbi', '-k', choices=['bacteria', 'viruses', 'archaea'], action='append', nargs='*', metavar='<str>', help='Download input genomes from NCBI. Requires --n_genomes/-u\ option. Can be bacteria, viruses, archaea or a combination of the\ three (space-separated)' ) parser_gen.add_argument( '--n_genomes', '-u', type=int, action='append', metavar='<int>', nargs='*', help='How many genomes will be downloaded from NCBI. Required if\ --ncbi/-k is set. If more than one kingdom is set with --ncbi,\ multiple values are necessary (space-separated). Can also be set \ with --genomes/-g in which case random genomes will be taken from \ the input multifasta' ) input_abundance.add_argument( '--abundance', '-a', choices=['uniform', 'halfnormal', 'exponential', 'lognormal', 'zero_inflated_lognormal'], metavar='<str>', default='lognormal', help='abundance distribution (default: %(default)s). Can be uniform,\ halfnormal, exponential, lognormal or zero-inflated-lognormal.' ) input_abundance.add_argument( '--abundance_file', '-b', metavar='<abundance.txt>', help='abundance file for coverage calculations (default: %(default)s).' ) input_abundance.add_argument( '--coverage', '-C', metavar='<coverage.txt>', help='file containing coverage information (default: %(default)s).' ) parser_gen.add_argument( '--n_reads', '-n', metavar='<int>', default='1000000', help='Number of reads to generate (default: %(default)s). Allows \ suffixes k, K, m, M, g and G (ex 0.5M for 500000).' ) parser_gen.add_argument( '--mode', '-e', metavar='<str>', choices=['kde', 'basic'], default='kde', help='Error model. If not specified, using kernel density estimation \ (default: %(default)s). Can be kde or basic.' ) parser_gen.add_argument( '--model', '-m', metavar='<npz>', default=None, help='Error model file. (default: %(default)s). Use HiSeq, NovaSeq or \ MiSeq for a pre-computed error model provided with the software, or a \ file generated with iss model. If you do not wish to use a model, use \ --mode basic. The name of the built-in models is case insensitive.' ) parser_gen.add_argument( '--gc_bias', '-c', action='store_true', default=False, help='If set, may fail to sequence reads with abnormal GC content. \ Does not guarantee --n_reads (default: %(default)s)' ) parser_gen.add_argument( '--output', '-o', metavar='<fastq>', help='Output file prefix (Required)', required=True ) parser_gen._optionals.title = 'arguments' parser_gen.set_defaults(func=generate_reads) # arguments for the error model module parser_mod.add_argument( '--quiet', '-q', action='store_true', default=False, help='Disable info logging. (default: %(default)s).' ) parser_mod.add_argument( '--debug', '-d', action='store_true', default=False, help='Enable debug logging. (default: %(default)s).' ) parser_mod.add_argument( '--bam', '-b', metavar='<bam>', help='aligned reads from which the model will be inferred (Required)', required=True ) parser_mod.add_argument( '--output', '-o', metavar='<npz>', help='Output file prefix (Required)', required=True ) parser_mod._optionals.title = 'arguments' parser_mod.set_defaults(func=model_from_bam) args = parser.parse_args() # set logger and display version if args.version try: if args.version: print('iss version %s' % __version__) sys.exit(0) elif args.quiet: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) elif args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) else: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) args.func(args) logging.shutdown() except AttributeError as e: logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.debug(e) parser.print_help()
# raise # extra traceback to uncomment if all hell breaks lose