Source code for iss.abundance

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import division

from scipy import stats

import os
import sys
import logging
import numpy as np

[docs]def parse_abundance_file(abundance_file): """Parse an abundance or coverage file The abundance/coverage file is a flat file of the format "genome_id<TAB>abundance" or "genome_id<TAB>coverage" Args: abundance_file (string): the path to the abundance file Returns: dict: genome_id as keys, abundance as values """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) abundance_dic = {} try: assert os.stat(abundance_file).st_size != 0 f = open(abundance_file, 'r') except (IOError, OSError) as e: logger.error('Failed to open abundance file:%s' % e) sys.exit(1) except AssertionError as e: logger.error('Abundance file seems empty: %s' % abundance_file) sys.exit(1) else: with f: for line in f: try: genome_id = line.split()[0] abundance = float(line.split()[1]) except IndexError as e: logger.error('Failed to read abundance file: %s' % e) sys.exit(1) else: abundance_dic[genome_id] = abundance'Loaded abundance file: %s' % abundance_file) return abundance_dic
[docs]def uniform(record_list): """Generate uniform abundance distribution from a number of records Args: record_list (list): a list of Returns: dict: a dictionary with records as keys, abundance as values """ abundance_dic = {} n_records = len(record_list) for record in record_list: abundance_dic[record] = 1 / n_records return abundance_dic
[docs]def halfnormal(record_list): """Generate scaled halfnormal abundance distribution from a number of records Args: record_list (list): a list of Returns: dict: a dictionary with records as keys, abundance as values """ abundance_dic = {} n_records = len(record_list) dist = stats.halfnorm.rvs(loc=0.00, scale=1.00, size=n_records) dist_scaled = dist / sum(dist) for record, abundance in zip(record_list, dist_scaled): abundance_dic[record] = abundance return abundance_dic
[docs]def exponential(record_list): """Generate scaled exponential abundance distribution from a number of records Args: record_list (list): a list of Returns: dict: a dictionary with records as keys, abundance as values """ abundance_dic = {} n_records = len(record_list) dist = np.random.exponential(size=n_records) dist_scaled = dist / sum(dist) for record, abundance in zip(record_list, dist_scaled): abundance_dic[record] = abundance return abundance_dic
[docs]def lognormal(record_list): """Generate scaled lognormal abundance distribution from a number of records Args: record_list (list): a list of Returns: dict: a dictionary with records as keys, abundance as values """ abundance_dic = {} n_records = len(record_list) dist = np.random.lognormal(size=n_records) dist_scaled = dist / sum(dist) for record, abundance in zip(record_list, dist_scaled): abundance_dic[record] = abundance return abundance_dic
[docs]def zero_inflated_lognormal(record_list): """Generate scaled zero-inflated lognormal abundance distribution from a number of records Args: record_list (list): a list of Returns: dict: a dictionary with records as keys, abundance as values """ abundance_dic = {} n_records = len(record_list) zero_inflated = stats.bernoulli.rvs(p=0.2, size=n_records) dist = (1 - zero_inflated) * np.random.lognormal(size=n_records) dist_scaled = dist / sum(dist) for record, abundance in zip(record_list, dist_scaled): abundance_dic[record] = abundance return abundance_dic
[docs]def to_coverage(total_n_reads, species_abundance, read_length, genome_size): """Calculate the coverage of a genome in a metagenome given its size and abundance Args: total_n_reads (int): total amount of reads in the dataset species_abundance (float): abundance of the species, between 0 and 1 read_length (int): length of the reads in the dataset genome_size (int): size of the genome Returns: float: coverage of the genome """ n_reads = total_n_reads * species_abundance coverage = (n_reads * read_length) / genome_size return coverage
[docs]def to_file(abundance_dic, output): """Write the abundance dictionary to a file Args: abundance_dic (dict): the abundance dictionary output (str): the output file name """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) output_abundance = output + '_abundance.txt' try: f = open(output_abundance, 'w') except PermissionError as e: logger.error('Failed to open output file: %s' % e) sys.exit(1) else: with f: for record, abundance in abundance_dic.items(): f.write('%s\t%s\n' % (record, abundance))