.. _model: Creating an Error Model ======================= If you do not wish to use the pre-computed error models provided with InSilicoSeq, it is possible to create your own. InSilicoSeq creates error models from .bam files. The input bam file should be a set of reads aligned against a reference genome or metagenome. Given you have two read files, `reads_R1.fastq.gz` and`reads_R2.fastq.gz`, and a referene metagenome `ref.fasta`: Align you reads against the reference ------------------------------------- .. code-block:: bash bowtie2-build ref.fasta ref bowtie2 -x ref -1 reads_R1.fastq.gz \ -2 reads_R2.fastq.gz | samtools view -bS | samtools sort -o ref.bam samtools index ref.bam Build the model --------------- .. code-block:: bash iss model -b ref.bam -o my_model which will create a `my_model.npz` file containing your newly built model Full list of options -------------------- --bam ^^^^^ aligned reads from which the model will be inferred (Required) --model ^^^^^^^ Error model to build. If not specified, using kernel density estimation (default: kde). Can be 'kde' or 'cdf' --output ^^^^^^^^ Output file prefix (Required) --quiet ^^^^^^^ Disable info logging --debug ^^^^^^^ Enable debug logging