.. _install: Installing InSilicoSeq ====================== .. _using_pip: Using pip --------- To install InSilicoSeq, type the following in your terminal: .. code-block:: bash pip install InSilicoSeq It will install InSilicoSeq as well as the following dependencies: * biopython * numpy * pysam * scipy Advanced options ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * If you don't have administration rights on your machine: .. code-block:: bash pip install --user InSilicoSeq * if you wish to install InSilicoSeq at a custom location (i.e with a mdoule system): .. code-block:: bash prefix="/path/to/install/prefix" pip install --install-option="--prefix=/$prefix" InSilicoSeq then add ``$prefix/bin`` to your ``PATH``, and ``$prefix/lib/pythonX.X/site-packages`` to your ``PYTHONPATH`` (replacing pythonX.X with your python version) .. _using_docker: Using docker ----------- If you wish to use InSilicoSeq using docker .. code-block:: bash docker pull hadrieng/insilicoseq:0.8.1 To use InSilicoSeq with docker, you need to provide a `volume` to the ``docker run`` command. Given with the ``-v`` option, the volume is your way to exchanging data (in this case, your input and output files) with the docker container. .. code-block:: bash docker run -v /Users/hadrien/data:/mnt/data -it --rm \ hadrieng/insilicoseq:0.8.0 iss generate \ --genomes /mnt/data/ecoli.fasta -f MiSeq \ -o /mnt/data/reads_ecoli_miseq The above command will mount the local folder ``/Users/hadrien/data`` onto ``/mnt/data`` on the docker side. The output reads will be located in ``/Users/hadrien/data`` when InSilicoSeq has finished running.