Source code for iss.bam

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from __future__ import print_function
from builtins import int, dict, range

from iss import util
from iss import modeller
from scipy import stats
from random import random

import sys
import pysam
import logging
import numpy as np

[docs]def read_bam(bam_file, n_reads=1000000): """Bam file reader. Select random mapped reads from a bam file Args: bam_file (string): path to a bam file Yields: read: a read object """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try: lines = pysam.idxstats(bam_file).splitlines() total_records = sum([int(l.split("\t")[2]) for l in lines if not l.startswith("#")]) # total_records = sum(1 for _ in bam.fetch() if not _.is_unmapped) random_fraction = n_reads / total_records bam = pysam.AlignmentFile(bam_file, 'rb') # reopen the file except IOError as e: logger.error('Failed to open bam file:%s' % e) sys.exit(1) except ValueError as e: logger.error('Failed to read bam file: %s' % e) sys.exit(1) else:'Reading bam file: %s' % bam_file) c = 0 with bam: for read in bam.fetch(): if not read.is_unmapped and random() < random_fraction: c += 1 if logger.getEffectiveLevel() == 10: print( 'DEBUG:iss.bam:Subsampling %s / %s reads' % (c, n_reads), end='\r') yield read elif c >= 1000000: break
[docs]def write_to_file(model, read_length, mean_f, mean_r, hist_f, hist_r, sub_f, sub_r, ins_f, ins_r, del_f, del_r, i_size, output): """Write variables to a .npz file Args: model (string): the type of error model read_length (int): read length of the dataset insert_size (int): mean insert size of the aligned reads mean_count_forward (list): list of mean bin sizes mean_count_reverse (list): list of mean bin sizes quality_hist_forward (list): list of weights, indices if model is cdf, list of cumulative distribution functions if model is kde quality_hist_reverse (list): list of weights, indices if model is cdf, list of cumulative distribution functions if model is kde subst_choices_forward (list): list of dictionaries representing the substitution probabilities for the forward reads subst_choices_reverse (list): list of dictionaries representing the substitution probabilities for the reverse reads ins_forward (list): list of dictionaries representing the insertion probabilities for the forward reads ins_reverse (list): list of dictionaries representing the insertion probabilities for the reverse reads del_forward (list): list of dictionaries representing the deletion probabilities for the forward reads del_reverse (list): list of dictionaries representing the deletion probabilities for the reverse reads output (string): prefix of the output file """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) try:'Writing model to file: %s' % output) np.savez_compressed( output, model=model, read_length=read_length, insert_size=i_size, mean_count_forward=mean_f, mean_count_reverse=mean_r, quality_hist_forward=hist_f, quality_hist_reverse=hist_r, subst_choices_forward=sub_f, subst_choices_reverse=sub_r, ins_forward=ins_f, ins_reverse=ins_r, del_forward=del_f, del_reverse=del_r ) except PermissionError as e: logger.error('Failed to open output file: %s' % e) sys.exit(1)
[docs]def to_model(bam_path, output): """from a bam file, write all variables needed for modelling reads in a .npz model file For a brief description of the variables that will be written to the output file, see the bam.write_to_file function Args: bam_path (string): path to a bam file model (string): model to be used. Can be 'cdf' or 'kde' output (string): prefix of the output file """ logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) insert_size_dist = [] qualities_forward = [] qualities_reverse = [] subst_matrix_f = np.zeros([301, 16]) # we dont know the len of the reads subst_matrix_r = np.zeros([301, 16]) # yet. we will find out from the indel_matrix_f = np.zeros([301, 9]) # len of the quality lists indel_matrix_r = np.zeros([301, 9]) # read the bam file and extract info needed for modelling for read in read_bam(bam_path): # get insert size distribution if read.is_proper_pair: template_length = abs(read.template_length) i_size = template_length - (2 * len(read.seq)) insert_size_dist.append(i_size) # get qualities if read.is_read1: # get mean quality too quality_means = [] read_quality = read.query_qualities mean_quality = np.mean(read_quality) if read.is_reverse: read_quality = read_quality[::-1] # reverse the list quality_plus_mean = [ (quality, mean_quality) for quality in read_quality] qualities_forward.append(np.asarray(quality_plus_mean)) # qualities_forward.append(read.query_qualities) elif read.is_read2: # get mean quality too quality_means = [] read_quality = read.query_qualities mean_quality = np.mean(read_quality) if read.is_reverse: read_quality = read_quality[::-1] # reverse the list quality_plus_mean = [ (quality, mean_quality) for quality in read_quality] qualities_reverse.append(np.asarray(quality_plus_mean)) # qualities_reverse.append(read.query_qualities) # get mismatches alignment = read.get_aligned_pairs( matches_only=True, with_seq=True ) read_has_indels = False for base in alignment: # dispatch mismatches in matrix pos, subst, read_has_indels = modeller.dispatch_subst( base, read, read_has_indels) if read.is_read1 and subst is not None: subst_matrix_f[pos, subst] += 1 elif read.is_read2 and subst is not None: subst_matrix_r[pos, subst] += 1 if read_has_indels: # dispatch indels in matrix for pos, indel in modeller.dispatch_indels(read): if read.is_read1: indel_matrix_f[pos, indel] += 1 elif read.is_read2: indel_matrix_r[pos, indel] += 1'Calculating insert size distribution') # insert_size = int(np.mean(insert_size_dist)) hist_insert_size = modeller.insert_size(insert_size_dist)'Calculating mean and base quality distribution') quality_bins_f = modeller.divide_qualities_into_bins(qualities_forward) quality_bins_r = modeller.divide_qualities_into_bins(qualities_reverse) # getting distribution of mean sequence quality mean_f = [len(quality_bin) for quality_bin in quality_bins_f] mean_r = [len(quality_bin) for quality_bin in quality_bins_r] hists_f = modeller.quality_bins_to_histogram(quality_bins_f) hists_r = modeller.quality_bins_to_histogram(quality_bins_r) read_length = len(hists_f[-1]) # the first low quality bin might be empty # now we can resize the substitution and indel matrices before # doing operations on them subst_matrix_f.resize([read_length, 16]) subst_matrix_r.resize([read_length, 16]) indel_matrix_f.resize([read_length, 9]) indel_matrix_r.resize([read_length, 9])'Calculating substitution rate') subst_f = modeller.subst_matrix_to_choices(subst_matrix_f, read_length) subst_r = modeller.subst_matrix_to_choices(subst_matrix_r, read_length)'Calculating indel rate') # update the base count in indel matrices for position in range(read_length): indel_matrix_f[position][0] = sum(subst_matrix_f[position][::4]) indel_matrix_r[position][0] = sum(subst_matrix_r[position][::4]) ins_f, del_f = modeller.indel_matrix_to_choices( indel_matrix_f, read_length) ins_r, del_r = modeller.indel_matrix_to_choices( indel_matrix_r, read_length) write_to_file( 'kde', read_length, mean_f, mean_r, hists_f, hists_r, subst_f, subst_r, ins_f, ins_r, del_f, del_r, hist_insert_size, output + '.npz')